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What Diet For The Best Urinary Health?


People prone to urinary diseases such as kidney stones, urinary incontinence and cystitis may find it worthwhile to change their eating habits. Certain foods are known to improve diseases of the urinary system. This article presents the best diets for preserving urinary health.

what bevrage should i choose if i have urinary problems?

Water and bearberry tea in quantity

Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria residing in the bladder. Drinking plenty of water dilutes these bacteria and facilitates their expulsion. It is therefore advisable to drink at least two liters of water during an attack of cystitis. Contrary to popular belief, cranberry's effectiveness in treating urinary tract infections has never been scientifically proven, but it is interesting to note that it has diuretic properties. Bearberry tea, on the other hand, has been medically proven effective in the treatment of cystitis.

If you suffer from urinary incontinence, you may think you need to drink less water to reduce the risk of leakage. But the less water you drink, the more acidic your urine becomes. This acidity irritates the bladder and increases leakage.

What food should i eat if i have recurrent cricys?

Foods to avoid in case of recurrent cystitis

In the case of recurrent urinary tract infections, it is advisable to avoid foods likely to accentuate inflammation of the bladder wall. For this reason, we advise against eating foods that will acidify the urine, such as : 

Sweet foods. The bacteria responsible for urinary tract infections feed on sugar and can therefore proliferate. 
Cold meats and meat. According to a study by Taiwanese researchers, vegetarians reduce their risk of developing a urinary tract infection by 16%. 
Dairy products

Recommended foods?

On the contrary, it seems beneficial to favor foods such as :

Fruits, except those that are highly acidic like grapefruit, kiwi or clementines... On the other hand, contrary to popular belief, lemons are not acidic for the body. It even has an alkalinizing effect, which is good for the bladder. 
Vegetable oils

These recommendations also apply to other types of urinary tract disease, such as pyelonephritis (a kidney infection) and interstitial cystitis (a non-infectious form of cystitis).

What to eat when suffering from urinary incotinence?

It's important to take care of the bladder through diet. Doctors generally advise limiting consumption of foods that cause bladder hyperactivity and increase the risk of leakage. These foods include

citrus fruits
foods containing sugar.

Artificial sweeteners should also be avoided.
Chocolate. Unfortunately, chocolate is best avoided in cases of incontinence. Cocoa tends to irritate the bladder and increase urinary urgency.
Spicy foods.
On the other hand, overactive bladder sufferers should eat spicy foods:

Whole foods. For example, choose seeded bread rather than white baguette.
Dietary fiber. Fiber-rich foods help prevent constipation and are good for urinary retention.

What diet should i follow if i have kidney stones?

When certain substances such as calcium and urea become too concentrated in the body, they form crystals in the kidneys and bladder, known as kidney stones or urolithiasis.

According to figures from the French Urology Association, 10% of the population suffer from kidney stones. Kidney stones can cause intense pain known as renal colic. Fortunately, stone formation can be reduced by specific dietary measures. We therefore recommend  

Drink mineral water rich in magnesium and bicarbonate, and low in calcium.
avoid beverages such as tea, beer and white wine, which contain substances likely to promote the formation of urinary stones

Avoid salt consumption, as sodium can harden and form stones.
Avoid meat, as animal proteins increase urinary calcium excretion.

Choose lemons, which make urine more alkaline.
Eat foods containing potassium, such as bananas, apricots, avocados, spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, chickpeas and lentils.
