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10 tips for a good night's sleep and restoring sleep hygiene the best way


How to get a good night's sleep? To sleep better, you need to know a few tricks to get rid of certain bad habits, improve your sleeping environment and tame the "ruminations" caused by stress and anxiety factors. Here are 10 tips to help you sleep better and improve the quality of your sleep!

Eliminate bad sleep habits.

1- Don't drink coffee or tea in the afternoon

If you want to get a good night's sleep, it's best to avoid stimulants in the early hours of the day. Coffee after lunch should be the last thing, tea and, of course, no Coca-Cola after 4 p.m.

2- No sport in the evening.

Exercise wakes up the muscles and prevents a good night's sleep.

3- Taking a hot bath is detrimental to a good night's sleep.

Our bodies lower their temperature to fall asleep, so a lukewarm bath (up to 37°C) is soothing.

4- Stop using screens at least one hour before bedtime.

The theme of Sleep Day 2016 was new technologies: televisions, computers and smartphones emit stimulating blue light, similar to daylight!

Sleeping environment: the ideal room for a good night's sleep

5- Keep your bedroom cool

To lower your internal temperature and prepare for sleep, make sure your bedroom temperature does not exceed 18-19°C and that it is well ventilated.

6- Avoid computers and televisions in the bedroom!

Screens should be avoided as they are affected by blue light. Exciting activities such as thrillers and video games are also outlawed, but don't worry about accounting or the next day's schedule. Before going to bed, a few soothing rituals (drinking herbal tea, removing make-up) will help you fall asleep.

7- Sleep, love and a bed dedicated to the night.

Apart from cuddling and intercourse, the only time you should be in bed is to sleep. Even relaxing activities such as reading or listening to music should be done outside of bed!
Don't stay in bed when you can't sleep. This can increase anxiety and irritability and make sleep difficult. You need to feel comfortable in bed and not associate the bed with negative thoughts.

8- Keep the bedroom dark and quiet.

Eliminate distracting noises (such as the ticking of the clock) and isolate the bedroom to create a protective cocoon. If your partner snores, don't hesitate to use earplugs. Use blinds or curtains to keep the light out. Moderate lighting 

False beliefs and negative thoughts about sleep

9- Don't count the hours.
Prioritize sleep quality over quantity. Don't assume that sleep deprivation leads to irreversible fatigue, and don't force yourself to sleep according to the next day's schedule. Prolonged naps can upset the sleep balance.

10- Listen for sleep signals before you fall asleep.

Are you starting to blink or yawn, or are your eyelids getting heavier? If so, you should fall asleep immediately. Your biological clock prefers a regular sleep rhythm. When it comes to sleep, listen to your body rather than your head.

How can we sleep properly when stress and anxiety disrupt our sleep?

How can we sleep better when ruminations and emotions prevent us from sleeping well? Sometimes, all it takes is a reassessment of our beliefs on the subject and, at the same time, a readjustment of certain habits inspired by the tips above for getting a good night's sleep. Certain relaxation techniques can be effective in relieving physical and mental tension.

Therasomnia is the first online CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) program for insomnia. It features interactive tools to help you develop new habits and ways of thinking, a psychologist coach and lots of advice to help you sleep better in two or three months.
