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What are the symptoms of a dog in poor health?


We often hear the expression "sick as a dog". This saying is often corroborated by the intensity of the symptoms presented by dogs in poor health. These symptoms are numerous, and it's important to know the most common ones. These symptoms tell us something about the dog's state of health. The earlier they are detected, the faster they can be treated.

How do you recognize a dog in poor health?

Change in behavior. 

If a dog who is normally excited by a ball suddenly stops responding to it, there may be something afoot. A sick dog may lie in a corner, refusing to move. He may refuse to go for a walk when he's usually happy to do so. Or he may suddenly start refusing the food offered to him. That's why you need to be vigilant and observe your dog's behavior on a regular basis.

Also, if you see your dog in an unusual posture, for example with his hind legs in the air and his front legs on the ground, ask yourself questions. This could be a sign that your dog has an upset stomach.

Physical changes

To detect physical signs of illness or ill health in dogs, it's best to check for fever, which should not exceed 39.5°C and can be measured with a rectal thermometer. Fever is a symptom of many illnesses. Digestive disorders are another common symptom in dogs. Watery or bloody diarrhoea combined with other clinical signs can also indicate illness in dogs.

Make sure the dog has watery eyes, a runny nose, clean ears and no foul odors. The dog should not have difficulty breathing or coughing. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your vet and have your dog's health checked. Only a veterinarian can determine the prognosis and give the appropriate medication.

Checking your dog's coat for signs of poor health

Your dog's coat should be checked regularly for cysts and sores. Fast-growing masses should be examined by a vet as soon as possible. In the case of wounds, it may be necessary to shave, clean and disinfect the area around the wound. Dressings may be necessary to help the wound heal more quickly.

Whether you're a professional or an individual in the dog world, it's a good idea to take an animal first aid course. You'll learn to recognize the symptoms of poor health and to treat your dog's minor injuries. If you have any doubts about your pet's health, contact your vet as soon as possible.
