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Yes, yoga isn't just for adults! In fact, the practice is becoming increasingly popular with children and young people, who are finding many benefits. More and more organizations are offering classes for children. But you don't have to step out of your living room to take a class - families can also do it at home!

Easy children's yoga postures: cat, upside-down dog, tree and mountain

All yoga postures are accessible to children, but for example, four-legged cat, cobra pose, four-legged dog, ploughman's pose and tree pose are the simplest postures that can help with balance. Practice can begin with these postures. These postures are a good start.

It takes hours of practice to work on breathing, the ability to concentrate on the practice and stay focused on the body, and this evolves with the child's age. In any case, if you decide to share your yoga practice with your child, there's no need to rush. For very active children, yoga is excellent exercise," explains Julie. But if you practice it regularly, it becomes a ritual, a special moment for you and your child. That's how little athletes can develop their practice.

Yoga as a stress-reliever: a break in the week

The aim of these yoga sessions, which can be booked on a weekly basis, is to help children focus and take a step back from themselves. Julie smiles: "With school, hobbies and parental commitments, young children are just as busy as their parents". These yoga sessions are also a way of hitting the pause button and spending time together," smiles Julie.

Julie explains that although she doesn't do yoga directly with the children, she has taught them to breathe and stretch their muscles. We used to do it together, but I found that my older children did it on their own. Children know what's good for them.

Children's yoga: it's all about fun!

So what's the difference between children's yoga and yoga for adults? No, not really. All yoga postures can be performed by children," continues the coach. Of course, there's a learning curve and an evolution of the practice. Of course, there's a learning curve and an evolution of the practice, but all the movements that older children do, younger ones can do too".

Julie, for her part, stresses that teaching yoga to children should be playful and based on a story. Indeed, yoga is a practice that demands concentration, precision and rigor.
